Thursday, May 17, 2007

May the Good Lord take a like'n to ya!

Is that how you spell like'n? Or is it liken? Or liking? Or licking? I don't know....

Regardless, a silly man said that to me on the street this week. I was walking down Broadway to run a quick errand and I heard a motorized chair come up behind me. I glanced back and there was this man with a floppy cowboy hat swerving up the sidewalk towards me.

I stepped to the side a little bit and he came up and stopped just next to me. I don't remember what he said exactly at first, but it made me smile. Something to do about the weather and the beautiful day. He threw in a couple of good ole southern cliches. "Like, if I was any better...I'd be twins." It was a brief encounter but one I will remember. As he drove his wheelchair away, he looked back over his should and with a toothless smile said, "May the Good Lord take a like'n to ya!" I smiled even more as I crossed the street.

Today, as I was walking out to go to lunch, I ran in to our mailman "Doc." Yep...that's his name. Or at least that's what everyone calls him. He's the sweetest, nicest mailperson I've ever met. He always has a moment to chat and is the typical southern gentleman. He's the type of guy you'd see walking door to door in a little country town delivering mail. It's great., he gets on the elevator as I am getting off the elevator. He had been off work for a couple of days, and I asked how his vacation was. You tend to notice when you don't see Doc's friendly face for a couple of I assumed he was on vacation. The short version is that he helped move his grandfather in law to his in-laws house. So he was happy to be back to work. I laughed.

Then he said this. "You know what's the difference between in-laws and out-laws?" What? "Out-laws are 'wanted'!" :)

Yup...this is a random blog. I just wanted to share these little life moments. Maybe you can share the smile moments too.


ginger said...

mel... you have no idea how much i'd love to move back and be your roomie! we need to chat... maybe a phone coffee date? :)

Anonymous said...

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