Saturday, May 5, 2007

I haven't slept at my parent's house in 2 years...

But tonight...I'm doing just that. In my bed, in my old room. It's now my new room...or my room again. Whatever you want to call it.

I got up at 5:30 this morning to finish packing and cleaning out my apartment. I had my family (mom, dad, and Chris) and several wonderful friends who came to help me. We loaded the truck and unloaded at my parent's house in about 2 1/2 hours. All because of Chris, Greg, Shane, and Brandon busting tail to get it done! But 2 1/2 hours, that's pretty dang good if you ask me!!

The downstairs is PACKED full. You walk in the front door and there're boxes and bags and couches and chests. Gosh...I have a lot of crap! My room is somewhat set up. I have my bed and my dresser and chest. Dad hooked up my DVD player to the TV, so I'll be able to watch movies for now. I think we'll have cable here soon hooked upstairs.

I'm anxious to see how it goes living back at home. I haven't lived here in close to 3 years. I've been on my own. I've had several room mates. The majority of time, I either lived by myself, or felt like I was by myself. I think I actually prefer going solo. At least that's what I'm going to go for next time. Or maybe I'll be lucky and my next move will be to live with Mr. McDreamy?!? (I'm ready to meet if you know who my Mr. McDreamy is, please send him my way!)

On a postive note, my new room is fully equiped with wireless hopefully I'll be better at updating! :) And of course...I'll be surfing a lot more! :)

Well...enough of my rambling. I'll keep you posted. Right now, I'm tired and my knees hurt real bad!

Much love!


dreamingBIGdreams said...

I moved back in with my parents after two years of college and stayed there until I got married. FREE RENT - you can't beat that!

dreamingBIGdreams said...

By the way I also just tagged you on my blog ... go check it out!